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Havin’ A Talk With God – Podcast Series

A Mini Podcast Prelude

Start at The Beginning

Havin’ A Talk With God is A Mini-Series Prelude to “Rosemary And Thyme.” Eavesdrop on central character, Thyme Quinn, who meets up in the meadow with her special friend for everyday conversations on The Mysteries Of Life.

Brought to you by Watchfire Music and Theater Of The Imagination

Get Details and Listen to – Havin’ A Talk With God Episodes

In the words of Thyme Quinn, our main character, we launch a new series! “‘Scuse me, Pete, but I’d jus’ like ta’ take a quick moment here an’ invite all these good folks out here to join me an’ ma’ special friend in a new different kinda episode that’s sure ta’ git your day started on the right foot.”

Get to know Thyme Quinn — and through the course of her conversations with her good ol’ pal, God, eavesdrop on the thought of a complex character searching for Truth.

Thyme has a heck of a time trying to figure out whether God is really there. Find out what she learns as the conversation continues!

As Thyme talks with her best pal, she questions the scope of God’s job …

Thyme wonders how God deals with the world’s thoughts when she has enough trouble sorting through her own…

Thyme isn’t quite sure where she stands with the town preacher, and goes to her most trusted confidante to get answers…

Thyme muses on where music came from, and figures who better to ask about the universal language than the universal deity?…

Thyme is starting to grasp the basics of the “affairs dahmor”, but she still needs a nudge or two from her old friend (and now matchmaker) God…

As Thyme attempts to comprehend the infinitude of God’s knowledge, she wonders just exactly what “everything” encompasses…

Thyme tries to build up her momentum to having “the talk” with God by way of a related subject: the windows to the soul…

Now that Thyme understands the scope of God’s purview, she’s got some questions about some of the more troubling areas of the world…

Thyme marvels at the speed of life in this modern day, and wonders what it’ll take to get everyone to slow down a bit and take time for reflection…

Thyme tells God about her favorite tree and discovers a kinship with it despite their conspicuous differences…

Thyme again asks God about the scope of His powers in yet another dimension, but ends up with more questions than she started with…

Thyme comes to God with a long list of particularly human questions, and the Creator finds Himself somewhat at a loss for words …

Thyme once more gets in over her head with too many questions, and realizes that too many answers can make life less fun …

Thyme brings God a seemingly unsolvable conundrum, but comes to realize that hope always springs eternal…

Thyme comes in hot with frustration, but talking through her problems gives her a new perspective on them…

Thyme has exciting news for her pal God this week, but in her elation she may have overstepped her bounds…

Thyme returns to God one last time having mended her errors, and learns a valuable lesson about trust in the process…

Ever wondered why feet look the way they do? So does Thyme! Listen in as she hilariously questions God’s design choices and shares a laugh over the little quirks of creation. Experience the magic of theater in podcast form with Thyme Quinn in Episode 21: “Feet.”

🙏 Ever felt the weight of an apology? So does Thyme. Listen in as she seeks forgiveness and gains profound insights into the true nature of letting go. Step into the world of theatrical podcasting with Episode 22: “The Apology.”

Listen to The Theater Of The Imagination Podcast Series here:

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