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Havin’ A Talk With God – Episode #1: Opener

Scattershot Symphony – The Music of Peter Link
A Podcast

Havin’ A Talk With God – Episode #1: Opener

In the words of Thyme Quinn, our main character, we launch a new series! “‘Scuse me, Pete, but I’d jus’ like ta’ take a quick moment here an’ invite all these good folks out here to join me an’ ma’ special friend in a new different kinda episode that’s sure ta’ git your day started on the right foot.”

Listen to the Podcast Episode

View the Transcript

“Havin’ A Talk With God” is a captivating podcast miniseries that serves as the enchanting prelude to our podcast musical, “Rosemary and Thyme.”

“Havin’ A Talk With God” is presented by Watchfire Music, a unique blend where the heart of Broadway meets the soulful essence of Americana, Folk, and Bluegrass roots. This engaging prelude to their musical venture “Rosemary And Thyme” offers listeners a rare and intimate glimpse into the everyday conversations between the central character, Thyme Quinn, and her special friend as they ponder the Mysteries of Life in a serene meadow setting.

Julia Wade stars as Thyme Quinn, filling her character with a depth of emotion and authenticity that captures the essence of Broadway’s narrative storytelling intertwined with the raw, honest simplicity of roots and Americana music. Her performance is a bridge between worlds, marrying the grandeur of musical theatre with the grounded, earthy tones of bluegrass and folk, inviting you to feel every note and word.

Behind the scenes, the legendary Peter Link, a seasoned Broadway producer, and composer, lends his expertise to ‘Havin’ A Talk With God. ‘ His contributions infuse the series with a richness and quality that elevates the storytelling to new heights. His vision for the podcast is clear: to create a unique listening experience that combines Broadway’s storytelling prowess and emotional impact with the authenticity and tradition of Americana and bluegrass music.

Listen to The Theater Of The Imagination Podcast Series here:

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